Trial set of ReadEZ clip-ons (24 set including both light and dark saturation)


Trial set of ReadEZ clip-ons (24 set including both light and dark saturation) in robust presentation case

SKU: 15000-1 Category:


The trial set of ReadEZ clip-ons contains clip-ons of each of the 12 ReadEZ colours (A-L) in botht the light & dark saturation and a grey Vista Mesh clip-on. The clip-on set is supplied in a robust presentation box.

The ReadEZ clip-on colours have been carefully chosen by a team of vision experts to provide the optimum saturation (colourfulness) and transmittance (darkness) to minimise the symptoms of Meares-Irlen syndrome.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 18.7 × 15 × 2 cm